My god what a night. Chet Faker is an amazing performer and it was an absolute honour to be in his presence and to hear all of his masterpieces live. When asked how it was from a friend, the only word that came to mind was "beautiful" and I admitted to it, ignoring how lame it sounded, but it was true, it was a beautiful concert. Having bought the tickets in April, the date 26th of June was highly anticipated. If you have ever been to Enmore theatre you'll know that the smaller stage and moshpit calls for a more intimate concert experience. Adorned in all black (and by happenstance so was I which was funny) and with a little beanie, Chet rocked the stage, wooing the audience with soft vocal, some groovy beats and melodic gold. Also he cleverly harmonised with himself and even talked with us about his dog, presenting himself as an extremely grounded musician, down to earth and in the business solely for the love of music. To quote him "real music is about having the ability to fuck up." Joined by good company, and surrounded by funky people roughly my own age, it was a perfect night and I am so lucky I had the opportunity to go.
I was pretty much too incapacitated by the beauty of his performance that I was unable to take any quality photos, or videos or anything...but here are some great photos snapped by lifewithoutandy - see them here
He finished the night with Talk is Cheap from his album "Built on Glass"- and I was hoping for a live sax to come out on stage (I am an intense sax enthusiast) but instead he played it on the piano, and it was poignant end to the concert. Although this cannot convey the experience, a taste of the live version is here, give it a listen...also if you haven't heard much of his album, I strongly recommend getting it, it is a masterpiece.
- xx J